The following is a common mistakes that marketer always do while they running an online business. Eventhough there are not all of the mistakes but at least these can help and minimize the mistakes in marketing our product or service through our web page. Here they are :
§ Using Free Hosting Service
There are a lot of free hosting service on internet such as Geocities, Free yellow, Tripod and etc. Yet as its name all the things or services which is free would give us some of bad things and just fortunate for its provider. Some of them are the process of its loading which is not as quick as when we use a paid hosting, some of banner and ads in our page which all of them will give a bad impression of visitor.
§ Too Much of Graphic, Java, Music or Audio
Such kinds of plug in will reduce the loading speed of our web page. In fact loading is an important factor to give first impression when the user visit our page.
§ We do not Ask Comment and Feedback from Our Visitor
Comment and feedback are important to know and observe our visitor are interested or not in our page in the side of design, content and etc.
§ Wasting The Time for Unproductive Activities
It means that we are recommended to be smart managing our time to do an marketing activities and select which one strategy is effective and which one is not to market our product or service. One of the thing we can do is how to make a routine activities automatically running. For instance a management of e-mail marketing and its follow up and etc.
§ We do not Manage Our Communication Via E-mail Continously.
Communication with our prospect and customer via e-mail is sometimes a big trouble for many of marketer. On the other hand such kinds of communication is very important to sustain and make a close relationship with them. So once again it is recommended for us to learn how to make all this automatically running by using what we call as Opt-in email strategy.
§ We do not Build up Our Opt-In Email List
Opt-In Email list is a great tool of marketing to generate traffic to our web page. By using based-permission email list we can offer our own product or affiliate one. Yet some people are more interested to use an Opt-in list generator rather than build it up with their own effort. An example of strategy that we can use to buid up our Opt-in list is making a news letter or ezine. We can fill them with a full of information and put our Opt-in subscriber form in there.
§ We Make Spam in Promoting and Marketing Our Page
Spamming means that we use other people e-mail without permission to market our product and service or promoting them to the other online forum which is not relevant to what we market.
§ We Forget that Marketing is the Key to reach success on Internet
In online businesses we have known a lot of strategy in marketing. Eventhough we have a good product or service but if we do not have any effort or effective strategy to promote it, yeah…there is nothing. If we do not get prospect anyway it means no selling and no money of course…
§ Internet Marketing is not Easy Guys ….
Do not ever think that if we already have a web site which full of adsense and good content you will be a rich man and money will come to us automatically. It is none sense and big myth or even myth from ancient Era. We need a hard work and struggle if we want to get success in offline business or even in online one.
§ We do not Understand The Truly Power of Internet
As we really know that the basic idea of internet is information. Information means that we will have a communication with other or we can say that internet is a media of socialization, the place where we can reach other people in all around the world, just to make friend or even running a business quickly. So why we do not use this amazing tool to make it all happened.
That is all ten of the general mistakes that we can use as a guide to grab our success in online business.
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